Discounts throughout 2020 on industrial photovoltaic systems


Law no. 18 of 27/02/2017, of conversion of the decree-law n. 243 of 29 December 2016, provided a definitive picture of the tax credit discipline established by Article 1, paragraphs 98 to 108, of Law no. 208 of 28 December 2015, in favor of companies that carry out the acquisition of new capital goods destined for production facilities located in the assisted areas of the regions of Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, Molise, Sardinia and Abruzzo. The period in which it is possible to realize these interventions to take advantage of the tax credit was extended until 31/12/2020. If photovoltaic systems are placed at the service of the company production cycle, they fall into the categories of capital goods for which it is possible to take advantage of the tax credit, which guarantees a direct and immediate tax benefit for the company. The measure of the subsidy is differentiated in relation to the company size: 45% for small businesses, 35% for medium-sized businesses, 25% for large businesses. eligible investment project thresholds are as follows: 3 million for small businesses, 10 for medium-sized companies, 15 for large companies. ato no longer net but gross of the tax depreciation deducted during the tax period for goods belonging to the same categories as those involved in the investment (machinery, plant and equipment), with the exclusion, however, of the depreciation relating to the subsidized asset. that the tax credit is cumulative with de minimis aid and other state aid which has the same costs as the benefit, provided that the accumulation does not lead to the intensity or amount of aid being exceeded plus high permitted by the relevant reference disciplines.This discipline of tax credit for companies in the South has been in force since 2016.

PVK has made in these years several projects on industrial buildings for companies that have used a truly useful tool to halve the payback time from the investment.

PVK, on behalf of some customers, also presented a question to the Inland Revenue which confirmed the applicability of the tax credit measures if the photovoltaic systems are instrumental to the business.

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