Service & Consulting
Thanks to our constant update on legislation, we provide a wide range of assistance and consultancy services on the periodic fulfillment of obligations concerning photovoltaic systems.
Our goal is to protect the government incentives and the investments of our customers.
Service & Consulting
Thanks to our constant update on legislation, we provide a wide range of assistance and consultancy services on the periodic fulfillment of obligations concerning photovoltaic systems.
Our goal is to protect the government incentives and the investments of our customers.
Our Main Services
According to circular 36/E of the Italian Revenue Agency, issued on 1 January 2013, photovoltaic plants > 3 Kwp, with an income increase above 15%, must be registered in the cadastral registry within 30 days from the connection to the public electricity grid. In circular no. 2/E, released on 1 February 2016, the Italian Revenue Agency introduced significant changes with regard to the calculation of the cadastral income. In particular, PV modules are not to be considered in the determination of the cadastral rent, with the only exception being panels that are integrated in the roof or on the surface of a building. For already registered units, it is possible to submit update requests in order to exclude eligible plant components, obtaining a reduction up to 90% on the existing cadastral income.
Financial Licence Application (for not yet operational systems > 20 kWp)
Payment of the Operating Licence fee (by 16 December 2016)
Application and endorsement of Production Records (by 31 December 2016)
Drafting and data transmission of the annual Declaration of energy consumption and production for net metering or partial feed-in systems (by 31 March 2016)
Drafting and transmission of the annual Declaration of energy production and sale for total feed-in systems (by 31 March 2016)
Load testing on measurement groups (every three years)
Request for unsealing (for ordinary/extraordinary maintenance operations)
Renewal of digital signature issued for data transmission (every three years)
Transmission of the Declaration of energy consumption and production to the Gse for PV systems up to the fourth Feed-in Tariff (by 30 June 2016). Responsible entities that have an obligation towards the Customs agency to draw up the Declaration of energy consumption and production must transmit to the G.S.E. the same declaration submitted to the Electronic Customs Service
Fuel-mix (by 30 April 2016). It concerns entities that are responsible for photovoltaic installations with a power exceeding 20 kWp, which do not operate under the “Net Metering” regime and must report to the G.S.E. the amount of electricity produced in the previous year, distinguishing between renewable (solar, wind, biomass, …) and non-renewable sources
Notice of interventions carried out on subsidized PV systems (repositioning or replacement of components, changes in electrical configurations, etc.)
Anti-mafia Declaration for obliged Entities
Changes in the operators’ database
Recovery of portal login credentials and system identification code
Data transmission of the amounts of energy produced
Electronic payments of amounts due (in case they are due)
Cancellation of agreements and changes in trade regimes
Field collection of serial numbers of the PV modules, inverters for a comparison with the data transmitted to the Gse
Check of the correspondence between the information transmitted to the Gse (type of installation, date when it came into operation and when authorisations were obtained, effective date of the agreements, technical design data, components certifications, etc.) and the actual conditions of the system
Check of the validity of the authorisations declared in the application for incentives
Notice of correction of possible errors or anomalies
Registration in the ARERA operators database
Annual survey / – ARERA – membership management
Transmission of the Unbundling – ARERA – declaration (within 90 days from the publication of the financial statements)
Contribution for the functioning of the – ARERA – authority
Upgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 243/13 for PV systems > 6 kWp come into operation by 31 Mach 2012. Intervention on internal or external interface devices to update grid parameters in compliance with the regulations of Section 5 of Annex A70 of the Grid Code of Terna. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 30 June 2015
Upgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 595/14 for PV systems > 20 kWp with production meters not enabled to smart metering by the Transmission System Operator. Installation of smart metering devices on the existing meters. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 31 January 2016
AUpgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 421/14 for PV systems > 100 kWp in MV, with connection request submitted by 1 January 2013. Installation of a GSM modem on the interface device to enable remote disconnection of the system by the Transmission System Operator in compliance with Annex A72 of the Grid Code of Terna. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 30 June 2015
Procedures of notice of replacement of components for systems in operation
Ownership-transfer procedures for Feed-in, Net Metering and Dedicated Withdrawal Agreements on the Portal of the Energy Services Manager, including all the attachments with registration of the new legal entity involved, fulfillment of the various steps and completion of the specific forms up to the final Agreements
System ownership-transfer procedures on the Portal “Gaudì” of Terna through the dedicated function
Procedure for transfer of registration of the building permit
Procedure for transfer of registration of the procedure of connection on the portal of Enel Distribuzione s.p.a., with transfer of all the operational contractual terms set out at the moment of connection of the system
Procedure of transfer of registration of the available supply (if required)
On site verification of the correct installation and operation of Measurement Groups (Meters and CT/VT installed on the system) for energy production for tax purposes with issuance of certificates reporting load measurement errors, stamped for Customs use. Evidences necessary for the issue of the operational financial licence and to be repeated every three years in order to maintain the above mentioned licence.
On site verification and calibration of the Protection System in compliance with CEI 0-21 and Annex A.70 of Terna by means of a Relay Test Unit. An external interface relay, in compliance with CEI 0-21, must be installed on systems with a production exceeding 6 kW and connected to the LV grid starting from 1 July 2012. On site verification of the interface relay by means of a relay test unit that meets the requirements of CEI 0-21, whose report must be sent to Enel together with the documentation relating to the aim of the works, is necessary for the system to come into operation. Moreover, this verification must be performed every three years in compliance with the Operating Rules signed by the producer in order to come into operation.
On site verification and calibration of the Interface Protection System in compliance with CEI 0-16 and Annex A.70 of Terna by means of a Relay Test Unit. An external interface relay, in compliance with CEI 0-16, must be installed on energy production systems connected to the MV grid – for which on site verification of the interface relay, by means of a relay test unit that meets the requirements of CEI 0-16 and whose report must be sent to Enel together with the documentation relating to the aim of the works or of the upgrade – is necessary for the system to come into operation. Moreover, this verification must be performed every two years in compliance with CEI 0-16 ed. III in order to come into operation
On site verification and calibration of the General Protection System (SPG) in compliance with CEI 0-16 by means of a Relay Test Unit. For users connected to the MV grid, we carry out the calibration of General Protection System and line, machine and transformer protections in accordance with the grid parameters reported by the distributor. Verification of response times and action thresholds of the SPG+DG system in compliance with annex B of CEI 0-16 in systems with MV Delivery Point, by means of a relay test unit in compliance with the regulations in force
Presidential Decree no. 462/2001 sets forth the obligation for any employer to have regular checks on their grounding systems carried out by an inspection body authorised by the Ministry of the Economic Development. In this regard, we guarantee the following services:
Documentary evaluation
Inspection of locations and plants
Measurement of “step and contact” voltages
Protection continuity and equipotential conductors testing
Verification of the ground ring overall value
Earth leakage switches instrumental verification
Coordination calculation between earth leakage switches and ground network
Thermography is taking on an increasingly important role as a non-destructive testing technique: in fact, an easy and fast detection of thermal delta in a structure or in a mechanical component allows to identify problems quickly. It is extremely useful in the field of renewable energy, such as in the detection of the energy dispersion in the form of heat . Thermography can be used to:
detect, during normal solar load, defective cells with temperatures exceeding the maximum operating temperature (normally 85° C)
detect flaws in the connections between cells and protection diodes
assess efficiency losses on PV panels with uneven temperature distribution due to cells or groups of cells at a temperature higher than normal
reduce maintenance times (especially for large systems) and check the operation state of PV modules during the operating years through specific reports
prove/check the hermetic seal of the supports (useful for installation on roofs)
We carry out power quality tests by means of our network analysers. Power quality indicates the extent to which a system can reliably manage the workloads. A disturbance or alteration in power supply can affect voltage, current or frequency. Disturbances in power supply can be generated by the users’ supply systems, by their loads or even by the Transmission System Operator . When an electrical disturbance is not within the established operating limitations, the equipment could be broken or damaged. These diagnoses are important because they help solving three fundamental problems: loss of productivity, interruption and damage of production cycles; energy cost (the Transmission System Operator can charge a penalty for absorption peaks and low power factor).
We provide building energy audits and certifications in compliance with the regulations in force. More specifically, we provide the following services:
audit, or design verification, aimed at determining the energy performance of the building and at identifying cost-effective interventions of energy requalification
Classification of the building according to the energy performance index and comparison with legal thresholds and potentials for improvements in relation to the identified upgrading interventions
Issue of the energy performance certificate
Consultancy and support during the Distributor/GSE’s inspection activities: the Energy Service Manager and the Transmission System Operator , in compliance with the regulations in force, may perform periodic audits and inspections on PV systems in operation. The average percentage of plants which do not meet the requirements is about 10% (source: GSE). The most serious consequences of such activities are the suspension of or exclusion from government incentives. For this reason, we are able to provide consultancy during these audits in order to support our customers in proving the correctness of their applications for incentives. Our work involves both a preventive analysis and an actual intervention during the inspection, in order to develop the most appropriate solutions to maintain incentives, if discrepancies with respect to what was previously transmitted to the GSE and the Grid Operator are detected.
Conto Termico 2.0, in force since 31 May 2016, enhances and simplifies the support measures already introduced by Decree 28/12/2012, which promotes interventions to increase energy efficiency and produce thermal energy from renewable sources with 900 million euros of state funds. The most significant variations concern: increase in the size of the eligible plants, simplification of application procedures, increase in the limit of disbursement of incentives in a single instalment, reduction in payment times. With Conto Termico 2.0 you can improve the energy efficiency of your building, reducing the cost of energy consumption and maximising the return on the financial investment in a short time. In addition to the equipment installation, we provide a turnkey service which also includes the completion of the procedure to apply for “Conto Termico” incentives to the Energy Services Manager
Our Main Services
According to circular 36/E of the Italian Revenue Agency, issued on 1 January 2013, photovoltaic plants > 3 Kwp, with an income increase above 15%, must be registered in the cadastral registry within 30 days from the connection to the public electricity grid. In circular no. 2/E, released on 1 February 2016, the Italian Revenue Agency introduced significant changes with regard to the calculation of the cadastral income. In particular, PV modules are not to be considered in the determination of the cadastral rent, with the only exception being panels that are integrated in the roof or on the surface of a building. For already registered units, it is possible to submit update requests in order to exclude eligible plant components, obtaining a reduction up to 90% on the existing cadastral income.
Financial Licence Application (for not yet operational systems > 20 kWp)
Payment of the Operating Licence fee (by 16 December 2016)
Application and endorsement of Production Records (by 31 December 2016)
Drafting and data transmission of the annual Declaration of energy consumption and production for net metering or partial feed-in systems (by 31 March 2016)
Drafting and transmission of the annual Declaration of energy production and sale for total feed-in systems (by 31 March 2016)
Load testing on measurement groups (every three years)
Request for unsealing (for ordinary/extraordinary maintenance operations)
Renewal of digital signature issued for data transmission (every three years)
Transmission of the Declaration of energy consumption and production to the Gse for PV systems up to the fourth Feed-in Tariff (by 30 June 2016). Responsible entities that have an obligation towards the Customs agency to draw up the Declaration of energy consumption and production must transmit to the G.S.E. the same declaration submitted to the Electronic Customs Service
Fuel-mix (by 30 April 2016). It concerns entities that are responsible for photovoltaic installations with a power exceeding 20 kWp, which do not operate under the “Net Metering” regime and must report to the G.S.E. the amount of electricity produced in the previous year, distinguishing between renewable (solar, wind, biomass, …) and non-renewable sources
Notice of interventions carried out on subsidized PV systems (repositioning or replacement of components, changes in electrical configurations, etc.)
Anti-mafia Declaration for obliged Entities
Changes in the operators’ database
Recovery of portal login credentials and system identification code
Data transmission of the amounts of energy produced
Electronic payments of amounts due (in case they are due)
Cancellation of agreements and changes in trade regimes
Field collection of serial numbers of the PV modules, inverters for a comparison with the data transmitted to the Gse
Check of the correspondence between the information transmitted to the Gse (type of installation, date when it came into operation and when authorisations were obtained, effective date of the agreements, technical design data, components certifications, etc.) and the actual conditions of the system
Check of the validity of the authorisations declared in the application for incentives
Notice of correction of possible errors or anomalies
Registration in the ARERA operators database
Annual survey / – ARERA – membership management
Transmission of the Unbundling – ARERA – declaration (within 90 days from the publication of the financial statements)
Contribution for the functioning of the – ARERA – authority
Upgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 243/13 for PV systems > 6 kWp come into operation by 31 Mach 2012. Intervention on internal or external interface devices to update grid parameters in compliance with the regulations of Section 5 of Annex A70 of the Grid Code of Terna. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 30 June 2015
Upgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 595/14 for PV systems > 20 kWp with production meters not enabled to smart metering by the Transmission System Operator. Installation of smart metering devices on the existing meters. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 31 January 2016
AUpgrade in compliance with ARERA resolution no. 421/14 for PV systems > 100 kWp in MV, with connection request submitted by 1 January 2013. Installation of a GSM modem on the interface device to enable remote disconnection of the system by the Transmission System Operator in compliance with Annex A72 of the Grid Code of Terna. Drafting and transmission of the new Operating Rules. Release of incentives in the event of failure of the procedure by 30 June 2015
Procedures of notice of replacement of components for systems in operation
Ownership-transfer procedures for Feed-in, Net Metering and Dedicated Withdrawal Agreements on the Portal of the Energy Services Manager, including all the attachments with registration of the new legal entity involved, fulfillment of the various steps and completion of the specific forms up to the final Agreements
System ownership-transfer procedures on the Portal “Gaudì” of Terna through the dedicated function
Procedure for transfer of registration of the building permit
Procedure for transfer of registration of the procedure of connection on the portal of Enel Distribuzione s.p.a., with transfer of all the operational contractual terms set out at the moment of connection of the system
Procedure of transfer of registration of the available supply (if required)
On site verification of the correct installation and operation of Measurement Groups (Meters and CT/VT installed on the system) for energy production for tax purposes with issuance of certificates reporting load measurement errors, stamped for Customs use. Evidences necessary for the issue of the operational financial licence and to be repeated every three years in order to maintain the above mentioned licence.
On site verification and calibration of the Protection System in compliance with CEI 0-21 and Annex A.70 of Terna by means of a Relay Test Unit. An external interface relay, in compliance with CEI 0-21, must be installed on systems with a production exceeding 6 kW and connected to the LV grid starting from 1 July 2012. On site verification of the interface relay by means of a relay test unit that meets the requirements of CEI 0-21, whose report must be sent to Enel together with the documentation relating to the aim of the works, is necessary for the system to come into operation. Moreover, this verification must be performed every three years in compliance with the Operating Rules signed by the producer in order to come into operation.
On site verification and calibration of the Interface Protection System in compliance with CEI 0-16 and Annex A.70 of Terna by means of a Relay Test Unit. An external interface relay, in compliance with CEI 0-16, must be installed on energy production systems connected to the MV grid – for which on site verification of the interface relay, by means of a relay test unit that meets the requirements of CEI 0-16 and whose report must be sent to Enel together with the documentation relating to the aim of the works or of the upgrade – is necessary for the system to come into operation. Moreover, this verification must be performed every two years in compliance with CEI 0-16 ed. III in order to come into operation
On site verification and calibration of the General Protection System (SPG) in compliance with CEI 0-16 by means of a Relay Test Unit. For users connected to the MV grid, we carry out the calibration of General Protection System and line, machine and transformer protections in accordance with the grid parameters reported by the distributor. Verification of response times and action thresholds of the SPG+DG system in compliance with annex B of CEI 0-16 in systems with MV Delivery Point, by means of a relay test unit in compliance with the regulations in force
Presidential Decree no. 462/2001 sets forth the obligation for any employer to have regular checks on their grounding systems carried out by an inspection body authorised by the Ministry of the Economic Development. In this regard, we guarantee the following services:
Documentary evaluation
Inspection of locations and plants
Measurement of “step and contact” voltages
Protection continuity and equipotential conductors testing
Verification of the ground ring overall value
Earth leakage switches instrumental verification
Coordination calculation between earth leakage switches and ground network
Thermography is taking on an increasingly important role as a non-destructive testing technique: in fact, an easy and fast detection of thermal delta in a structure or in a mechanical component allows to identify problems quickly. It is extremely useful in the field of renewable energy, such as in the detection of the energy dispersion in the form of heat . Thermography can be used to:
detect, during normal solar load, defective cells with temperatures exceeding the maximum operating temperature (normally 85° C)
detect flaws in the connections between cells and protection diodes
assess efficiency losses on PV panels with uneven temperature distribution due to cells or groups of cells at a temperature higher than normal
reduce maintenance times (especially for large systems) and check the operation state of PV modules during the operating years through specific reports
prove/check the hermetic seal of the supports (useful for installation on roofs)
We carry out power quality tests by means of our network analysers. Power quality indicates the extent to which a system can reliably manage the workloads. A disturbance or alteration in power supply can affect voltage, current or frequency. Disturbances in power supply can be generated by the users’ supply systems, by their loads or even by the Transmission System Operator . When an electrical disturbance is not within the established operating limitations, the equipment could be broken or damaged. These diagnoses are important because they help solving three fundamental problems: loss of productivity, interruption and damage of production cycles; energy cost (the Transmission System Operator can charge a penalty for absorption peaks and low power factor).
We provide building energy audits and certifications in compliance with the regulations in force. More specifically, we provide the following services:
audit, or design verification, aimed at determining the energy performance of the building and at identifying cost-effective interventions of energy requalification
Classification of the building according to the energy performance index and comparison with legal thresholds and potentials for improvements in relation to the identified upgrading interventions
Issue of the energy performance certificate
Consultancy and support during the Distributor/GSE’s inspection activities: the Energy Service Manager and the Transmission System Operator , in compliance with the regulations in force, may perform periodic audits and inspections on PV systems in operation. The average percentage of plants which do not meet the requirements is about 10% (source: GSE). The most serious consequences of such activities are the suspension of or exclusion from government incentives. For this reason, we are able to provide consultancy during these audits in order to support our customers in proving the correctness of their applications for incentives. Our work involves both a preventive analysis and an actual intervention during the inspection, in order to develop the most appropriate solutions to maintain incentives, if discrepancies with respect to what was previously transmitted to the GSE and the Grid Operator are detected.
Conto Termico 2.0, in force since 31 May 2016, enhances and simplifies the support measures already introduced by Decree 28/12/2012, which promotes interventions to increase energy efficiency and produce thermal energy from renewable sources with 900 million euros of state funds. The most significant variations concern: increase in the size of the eligible plants, simplification of application procedures, increase in the limit of disbursement of incentives in a single instalment, reduction in payment times. With Conto Termico 2.0 you can improve the energy efficiency of your building, reducing the cost of energy consumption and maximising the return on the financial investment in a short time. In addition to the equipment installation, we provide a turnkey service which also includes the completion of the procedure to apply for “Conto Termico” incentives to the Energy Services Manager